This 2016 walk was composed by Andrew Brown in collaboration with Lise Olsen, Demi Hill and Emily Stollery, as part of the Spaces of Uncertainty Summer Academy that took place at the Württembergische Kunstverein in Stuttgart. It was inspired by the Stuttgart21 project, which turned the city into a vast construction site. Whilst the walk is located outside the city centre in Cannstatt, large-scale building works could be seen on the opposite riverbank, although these may now be completed.
The maps and soundfiles for the walk are available to stream or download below, split into five consecutive sections, to enable participants to more easily synchronise their pace with that of the recording.
The five maps in the sequence below each correspond to the five recordings A to E.
The start point is in the underpass on the Cannstatt side of the Neckar river, down the steps from the Mercedesstrasse U'Bahn. The walk concludes at the same spot, 50 minutes later.

Adopt a steady moderate walking pace throughout. It is suggested that on-ear or bone-conducting headphones are used, to allow live environmental sounds to merge with the binaural recording.
Please be aware that participation in an OpenCity soundwalk is entirely at participant's own risk and that walking whilst listening through headphones is likely to be disorientating. Thus special care should be taken on stages of the route where there may be runners, cyclists and motorists, and especially where there is deep water. Although the latter half of part A of the walk is unsuitable for people with limited mobility the riverside section can simply be missed out.

Photo credit: Lise Olsen

Part 1 (in the underpass on the Cannstatt side of the Neckar river, down the steps from the Mercedesstrasse U'Bahn)

Part 2 (in front of the railings at the top of the flight of steps leading down to the lock)

Part 3 (at the crossing of Schönestraße)

And now map view, for greater clarity...

Part 4 (on Badstraße)

Part 5 (at the junction of Felgergasse and Badgraben)